Master Leaving Cert Accounting with Our
Affordable Online Courses

Leaving Certificate Accounting
Our Product Provides you with the following content per topic:
Detailed set of notes
Video showing how to complete a past exam question
One Page summary
Revision guide
You can check out our suspense account sample on this website, simply click here.​
All materials have been prepared by a practicing accounting teacher, who is also a qualified ACCA Accountant. We have also corrected State examination exam papers and have set and corrected mock exam papers.
Our pricing structure is flexible so you can purchase the full package or sign up for our monthly subscription. With the monthly subscription, you can opt out at any stage if you feel that you no longer need access to the material.
The material you purchase is available to you on an online platform, where material is organised for you in a structured way and which you can access 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
You study at a time and pace that suits you. Pause/Rewind/Redo... you decide.
If you decide you need to talk to our teachers then you can book a face to face meeting or online grind. The choice is yours.... you control how and when you learn.
Our TY Courses have been developed recognising the fact that many students struggle with the transition from Junior Cycle to Leaving Certificate in Maths and Accounting. These courses are designed to help students bridge that gap.
The courses are based around fun case studies which allow students the opportunity to develop their content knowledge and independent learning and critical thinking skills in a context that is relevant and interesting to them.
To find out more click on our Transition Year page.
Our Products are unique in that:
Transition Year

LCA Maths
We offer an online course for LCA students in Maths.
We recognise that many LCA students can struggle with Maths, so our online course, which will complement the work in the classroom, presents the material in a format that students can relate to, using real life examples.
There is also a set of interactive quizzes for each topic, to help students see their progress.